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Jim Beck, sound man

One of the unexpected highlights of Walk A Lonely Street is the list of fascinating incidental characters who walk in and out of the larger story. These people often play small but essential parts as they interact with the key cast members, or sometimes they are featured to establish a precedent or theme that will repeat throughout the saga.

One such character is Jim Beck, a well-respected sound engineer/producer/studio owner based in Dallas, Texas. During the 1950s Beck recorded hundreds of singers and bands, who dreamed of hitting the big time. Some did, some didn't, but Jim Beck always gave them his best attention behind the sound desk.

He worked with some brilliant artists (Charlene Arthur and Bob Luman to name but two) and recorded some excellent music but, like several characters in Walk A Lonely Street, his time on this earth was cut short in a most unusual fashion.

Jim Beck's tale is one of many that will be told.

[Possible copyrights Dallas Morning News and Bear Family.]

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